Oil Skimmers for Food Processing
Grease Skimmers
MINI-SKIMMERS™ and MAXI-SKIMMERS™ as Food Grease Cleaners
MINI-SKIMMERS™ and MAXI-SKIMMERS™ are frequently used in food production – after all, producing food usually means producing lots of fats and greases too. Sold by Wayne Products since 1989, you can find Maxi-Skimmers™ hovering over many pits containing vegetable oils, animals fats, or other types of food-related grease. There are many restaurants that need oil skimmer treatment for their wastewater for proper disposal methods. Like all of our products, our Maxi-Skimmers are much less expensive than our competitors’ oil skimmers with similar collection rates and are stocked and ready to ship right away.

Memphis BBQ Case Study by Wayne Products
Hello, Memphians! Making the delicious barbecue your city is so famous for isn’t a clean process. Smoking pork produces a LOT of grease and animal fats cannot simply be dumped down a drain. Barbecue restaurants that produce huge amounts of pork fat must remove it from their wastewater before disposing of it, which can be a costly endeavor. A prominent Memphis barbecue restaurant called us, claiming that they spent hundreds of dollars per week on a grease removal company and wondered if our Maxi-Skimmers™ could save them that cost. We said “of course” and shipped them one of our best grease skimmers: SSV/5 Maxi-Skimmer™ belt oil grease skimmer with a 4″ wide belt that reaches 9 feet down into their pit.
The SSV/5 Maxi-Skimmer has a variable speed motor that allows them to collect up to 20 gallons of grease per hour at a maximum speed of 93 RPM. Even at this high speed, our customer was worried that the fat would solidify before it could be scraped from the belt, so they installed a heat lamp over the oil skimmer to keep the viscous liquid flowing. (We offered them our heated chute option, which includes an adhesive-backed heated pad and heat control box, but we’re happy they found their own solution). Not only did our Maxi-Skimmer™ eliminate the high cost of grease-removal, but it provided them another revenue stream, as they began selling the skimmed, concentrated grease to a local tallow company. All in all, our customer said they are “beyond happy” with their Maxi-Skimmer purchase and we are thrilled it worked out so well for them. Contact us to find out more information on our grease skimmers.